Dogs are often considered the “man’s first and best friend ” and that usually is for legit reasons. But some breeds, However, might be a bit challenging to handle and picking up the right dog breed for your house and family is not quite an easy task especially if you have little kids. It’s important your dog friend should get along not only with you and your family, but also with neighbors, guests and other eventual house pets.
Although all dogs can be trained, not all breeds could be trained to put up nicely with little children or cats for example, as some might have a hard temper, an occasional and unpredictable aggressive behavior. For this, owning certain kind of breeds might get your homeowners insurance to go up! And these are some dogs families that one should be on the lookout when looking forward to get a house companion.
Considering their large size that they aren’t aware of, and the fact that they are relatively more aggressive than most other breeds, this breed is not the most ideal house pet especially for families with young children, as this dog can easily accidentally push a kid against the wall or over the stairs.
But like any other dog family, with adequate training, this breed can make a good house pet. They show a high level of loyalty to their human owners, often taking them as the leader of the pack, so it might be a good thing to make sure not to show signs of weakness around your Bullmastiff.

Saint Bernard
The Saint Bernard dog has been made famous by the 90’s film “Beethoven”. The Saint Bernard is a good natured gentle giant and a playful dog.
While this bog breed can be trained to behave well around family member; the issue relies in their enormous body size, as they are sweet and cheerful, it’s almost impossible not to push and knock over anything and anyone who happens to be in their way. They make good house dogs but their size and playful nature makes it a bit risky for families with young children.

Weimaraners is another breed dog which might not be the best option especially for families. This dog has high levels of energy and is known for its excitable nature which can cause unintentional injuries to young kids or smaller house pets.
The Weimaraner is above all a hunting dog, therefore, it needs regular activity and care by owner in order not get bored. Apart from that, this dog breed can just make your best friend if well cared for.

This dog has been bred mainly for hunting thanks to its level of energy and incredibly high speed. But as a consequence of that, it acquires regular and intense activity, which could be a bit time-consuming for owner with other commitments.
This breed has also a strong tendency to pursue and attack smaller animals and basically anything they perceive acting as so like a piece of flying plastic, a ball or kids running around.

Cane Corso
The Cane Corso Mastiff dog was originally bred in Italy for sports, hunting (especially wild boar) and battle fight tournaments.
This kind of dogs can get quite tough, they make a perfect choice as guard dogs, but we can not say the same as for house pets.

Neapolitan Mastiff
The Neapolitan Mastiff dogs are some very soft and gentle dogs. even though they are massively huge, they love to show their affection and positive feelings towards their lord.
but as they are not quite aware of their own strength, these dogs may be a little risky to have around young kids that they make knock down without realizing that they are being aggressive.

Great Dane
The Great Dane dogs are named so due to their huge body, they make some of the biggest dogs in the world.
The Great Dane dog needs to go through some training from an early age in order to acquire some discipline and good behavior that could help get rid of their instinctive aggressiveness.

Pit Bull
As you may probably already know, Pit Bulls are some of the most dangerous and ferocious breed dogs. For generations, this breed has been used for dogfighting which gave it a very negative reputation. The Pit Bulls are famous for their hard temper, as when they attack they almost never let go.
Statistics show that Pit Bulls are responsible for about 30% of dog bites. Obviously friendly and inoffensive Pit Bulls do exist, but owners with kids (either their own kids or any kids around their living area) may want to be very wary when owning such a dog.

Staffordshire Terrier
The Staffordshire Terrier is a very strong dog that has a tendency of turning a bit aggressive sometimes. So in order to prevent or at least minimize that violent attitude, this dog needs to get some adequate training mainly in its young age.
The Staffordshire Terriers tend to be generally gentle around humans, but they have this unpredictable behavior especially around other dogs.

Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinshers are mostly used in the military and that is for their violent nature. This dog breed was so popular in the nineties, but there was also an increase ind dog attacks as a result.
There are also ugly incidents involving Doberman dogs attacking their owner or other people for no obvious reason. Although these kind of cases saw a major decrease over time, Dobermans are still known for their violent character and insurance companies are quite wary when it comes to owning one of those.

Presa Canario
Presa Canario dogs have a bad reputation when it comes to getting along with other pets. This dog was mainly bred to guard livestocks and herd sheep due to its relatively large size and strength capability.
This dog originated from the Canary Islands which explains its Spanish name “Presa Canario” that stands for “Canarian catch dog”.

Dogo Argentino
As its name states, this dog originated from Argentina. As for most dogs, The Dogo Argentino was initially domesticated for hunting but has also been used as guide for blind people and by law enforcement.
This dog is banned in six countries because of its aggressive and unpredictable nature. Even training this dog might not be enough as many trained Dogo Argentinos were known to attack without any clear and obvious reasons and insurance companies are quite aware of that.

Tosa Inu
The Tosa Ini was originally bred in Japan and was initially used as a fighting dog. So, if you’re looking to get a house pet, the Tosa Inu is considered a rare and unusual breed. It weights around 36 to 61 Kg with a hight of between 62 to 82 Centimeters.
This breed is also known to be dangerous and is legally restricted to own one in certain countries like Australia, Denmark, Romania, Singapore and many more. For all these reasons, this aggressive and violent dog might not be the ideal dog for a house pet.

American Bandogge
This muscular looking dog is so strong. The American Bandogge dog is a cross breed between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neapolitan Mastiff. interestingly, despite its physical strength and capability, this dog wasn’t initially breed for fighting.
Nonetheless, some have used it and still do as a combat dog. That being said, if you are inspecting for a family-friendly house pet, this dog might be a bit aggressive to let around your house.

Bull Terrier
The Bull Terrier dogs are famous for their shark-like heads and relatively strong body, these dogs do actually occupy the first rank in pound-for-pound lean muscle tissue. The Bull Terrier is a bit more gentle compared to other Terrier breeds, so not particularly aggressive.
They are known however for having this strong “prey drive” instinct, which means that they actually tend to be independent and strong-headed around smaller animals, but also show some occasional non-soft acts in that context. With that in mind, if received proper training, they can still make a good house pet. But even so, you might want to be cautious if you have a family with small kids at home.

Boer Boel
The Boer Boel dog is a variation of the south African Mastiff breed with large and posing appearance. This muscular pet was mainly bred to be used as guarding dog in South Africa and was often also used as a defense against wild animals attacks.
The Boer Boel was as well very helpful in hunting and tracking prey. This pet is an incredibly loyal and protective dog, but it is also known as a gladiator and has a tendency-to-dominate character. So unless you need a guarding strong dog, you might want to skip this one.

Gull Dong
The Gull Dong is a cross between the Bully Kutta and the Bull Terrier which was initially bred as a fighting dog. Also famous under the Pakistani Bull Dog name, the Gull is a massive independent dog with an impressive muscular strength.
So, even if these dogs look like ordinary house pets, gentle and friendly, they can be a little difficult to handle especially if they sense some weakness in their owner. With that in mind, if you’re not the one to deal with tough dogs, you may want to take this dog out of your options.

American Bulldog
The American Bulldog is another massive dog on the list. The Bulldog was initially used as a farm utility dog in the United States, guarding the property and watching livestocks but also hunting wild boar and other undesired animals around the farm.
So while they might seem to be helpful and friendly, they are still hunting and guarding dogs loving to show and project dominance around their environment. So If you’re cautious about the safety of your family, you might want to avoid this kind of dogs.

Fila Brasileiro
The Fila Brasileiro is another massive and strong dog with a particularly intimidating and scary looking. As its name indicates, this breed originated from Brazil and is famous for its impressive tracking capabilities.
But even so, thanks to its hard temper and attacking abilities, this dog is banned in many countries all over the world like Spain, Great Britain, Italy, Norway and many more. So, if you’re a fan of soft tempered dogs, you may want to skip this breed.

The Boxer also called German Boxer or Deutscher Boxer is a dog breed developed in Germany. It was mainly (and still) destined for guarding. This dog acquired this name for its boxer looking face and can lives around 10 to 12 years.
The boxer dogs are known for their energetic, playful character and are not particularly violent, they’re still less aggressive than many other dogs on this list. However, they have a strong-headed side, and if provoked, the situation would turn into an offensive one. So if you’re counting to get a boxer dog, that’s one thing you would want to consider more importantly if you want it as a family house pet.

Wolf Hybrid
This wolf-looking animal is actually a Wolf Hybrid which is combination between a dog and a gray wolf. This dog shows a cross of genetic traits and looks pretty impressive as it is not very common.
But regarding its personality, it is somehow unpredictable as it inherited some of its half ancestor’s qualities; the wolf. With that said, the Wolf Hybrid is a kind of dog you should be constantly watchful with and that you wouldn’t want to leave alone around young children.

Caucasian Ovcharka
The Caucasian Ovcahrka also known as the Caucasian Shepherd is a large size dog that was primarily used as a guard dog to protect livestocks and other farm property from wild animals mainly wolves and bears, this dog is very common in Russia and the Caucasian regions in general but can also be found in other places around the world.
Although this dog is not known to have aggressive traits, its not quite recommended to have one for families as house pet as it can easily and intentionally knock down young kids against a wall or over the stairs.

The Borzoi looks like an XL Poodle, this dog is quite high and is generally friendly and graceful. these shiny giants do also make good companions if socialized and received necessary training.
However, they have this occasional stubbornness-attitude and require a very patient owner, they also get a bit too playful at times which may not be very suitable for owners with little babies.

Pharaoh Hound
The Pharaoh Hounds are a kind of ‘made-to-run’ dogs as they are quite known for their running and jumping abilities, these dogs are very dynamic, energetic and require some regular intensive training.
They also have some instinct-related attitudes such as hunting and chasing anything that moves around. For that reason, the Pharaoh Hound dog does not make an ideal house pet more particularly for families.

The Chihuahuas have a kind of misleading character since one may think they’re easy to handle due to their cuteness and their small size.
However, they are quite stubborn, love to display dominance, and tend to be tough. They can also become aggressive on occasional times (out of jealousy) towards kids or even adults.