9 Science-Backed Reasons to Own a Dog
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If you
you're planning on getting a new shaggy-hairy family member the
coming holiday, we would suggest you to consider a dog. Allegiant,
protective, and always excited to see...
12 Signs Your Dog Is Truly Happy
We've all wished at some point of our life that our dogs could talk to us – things would have been much more easier. But even...
This Is Why You Need To Stop Hugging Your Dog: Study Finds.
With their sweet faces, soft fur, and huge dumb grins, dogs were basically born to be hugged. As a species, they evolved over thousands of years with one clear path...
If You Sleep With Your Dog In Bed, This Is Something You Might Want...
A recent survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association revealed that nearly half of all pet parents allow...
3 Effective & simple Tips To Get Your Dog To Sleep At Night.
It's simple - if your dog is awake at night, you'll most likely be awake as well. With all the barking, fussing and whining around, it will definitely be hard...