7 Weird Dog Behaviours And What They Mean
The pitter-patter of tiny feet is one of my favourite sounds to come home to at the end of a long day. And I'm convinced that my...
This Is Why You Need To Stop Hugging Your Dog: Study Finds.
With their sweet faces, soft fur, and huge dumb grins, dogs were basically born to be hugged. As a species, they evolved over thousands of years with one clear path...
9 Science-Backed Reasons to Own a Dog
Getty Images
If you
you're planning on getting a new shaggy-hairy family member the
coming holiday, we would suggest you to consider a dog. Allegiant,
protective, and always excited to see...
10+ Amazing Creative Dog Houses
Quite often referred to as man's best and most loyal friends, dogs enjoy some great care and attention at their owners, feeding them, loving them, taking them to the vet, building...
7 Simple Life Hacks Every dog Owner should know-video
Finding time to adapt to enough activity and exercise for his dog each day can be a challenge, especially when the weather is not so beautiful outside.
Although our lovely dogs...
How to Draw a Cool Dog a in a Simple Step by Step
are man's best friend and the first ever domesticated animals. From
Golden retrievers to Siberian Huskies to German Shepherds, there are
more than 300 different breeds out there. Learning...
12 Signs Your Dog Is Truly Happy
We've all wished at some point of our life that our dogs could talk to us – things would have been much more easier. But even...
22 Questions I Very Much Wish I Could Ask My Dog!
Anastasia Basano/Flickr
We all wished at some point
our dogs were able to talk to us –
things would have been
much funny. But unfortunately that is not the case, dogs...